Bitter gourd also known as Kakarakaya(in telugu) & Karela (in hindi) is one of the bitter vegitables and most of us will not like to have bitter recipe but we can make recipes like this and give a surprise to family members that we can make yummy recipes even from bitter gourd. Here I am posting stuffed bitter gourd fry/Stuffed Kakarakaya Fry/Stuffed Karela Fry which I have learnt from my mom.
Kakarakaya Fry is a delicious recipe which is a mixture of spice and bitterness made with fresh bitter gourd and stuffed with masala made with roasted channa dal, chilli powder and garlic.
You can also try our stuffed brinjal fry recipe.
Stuffed Brinjal Fry | Stuffed Eggplant Fry | Vankaya Vepudu

Stuffed Bitter gourd Fry | Stuffed Kakarakaya Fry | Stuffed Karela Fry
- 8 Bitter gourd(Small Size)
- 1/2 cup Roasted channa dal
- 1 tbsp Copra powder
- 1 tbsp Cumin seeds
- 1 tbsp Chilli powder
- 1 Big Garlic
- 2 tbsp Salt
- 2 tbsp Olive oil
- Tamarind
- Cut the head and tail of the bitter guard and boil the bitter gourd by adding salt and little bit of tamarind. By boiling the bitter gourd with salt and tamarind, most of the bitterness will goes off.
- Meanwhile add roasted channa dal, copra powder(optional), garlic, chilli powder, cumin seeds and salt to a blender and coarsely blend the ingredients. Use more garlic as it adds much taste to the masala.
- Vertically slit the bitter gourd keeping intact at the both ends and remove the seeds.
- Now stuff the powder in all the bitter gourds and press the powder.
- Wind the thread all over the bitter gourd so that masala will not spill out while frying.
- Heat the oil in the frying pan.
- Place the bitter gourds in the pan and toss the bitter gourd on all the sides to nicely coat the oil.
- Place the lid and fry the bitter gourd on low flame.
- Toss now and then to fry the bitter gourd evenly on all the sides.
- Serve the bitter gourd fry hot with white rice or roti or chapati.
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